Malarstwo fińskie

Mistrzowie Malarstwa Fińskiego

Nie zdobyli popularności na skalę światową. Nie jest łatwo znaleźć ich obrazy w znanych galeriach w Europie, chociaż poziom artystyczny ich prac na to zasługuje.

Miejscem gdzie zgromadzono najwięcej dzieł wybitnych fińskich artystów  jest Galeria Narodowa ATENEUM w Helsinkach. Tutaj możemy zobaczyć prace Helene Schjerfbeck, Alberta Edelfelt czy Axela Gallen Kallela. Niepowtarzalne pejzaże uchwycone w ostrym świetle północnego nieba tworzą  charakterystyczny klimat.

Zapraszamy do odwiedzenia naszej galerii stworzonej w oparciu o dzieła największych mistrzów fińskiego malarstwa.


Suomen maalaustaiteen mestareita

He eivät ole saavuttaneet maailmanlaajuista suosiota. Heidän maalauksiaan ei ole helppo löytää tunnetuista gallerioista Euroopassa, vaikka heidän töidensä taiteellinen taso olisi sen ansainnut.

Paikka, johon on koottu eniten Suomen merkittävimpien taiteilijoiden teoksia, on ATENEUM - kansallisgalleria Helsingissä. Siellä voimme nähdä Helene Schjerfbeckin, Albert Edelfeltin, Axel Gallen-Kallelan. Ja monien muiden töitä, joissa kuvastuvat aidolla tavalla suomalaiset maisemat pohjoisen taivaan valaistuksessa luoden ominaisen ilmapiirin.

Kutsumme vierailemaan galleriassamme, joka on luotu Suomen maalaustaiteen  suurimpien mestarien teosten pohjalta.

Akseli Gallen- Kallela

  • Lemminkäinen's Mother, 1897
    Lemminkäinen's Mother, 1897
  • Kullervo Cursing, 1899
    Kullervo Cursing, 1899
  • Spring, study for the Jusālius Mausoleum frescos, 1903
    Spring, study for the Jusālius Mausoleum frescos, 1903
  • The girl and the rooster, 1886
    The girl and the rooster, 1886
  • The defense of the Sampo, 1896
    The defense of the Sampo, 1896
  • Joukahainen's revenge, 1897
    Joukahainen's revenge, 1897
  • Stockflotte, 1908
    Stockflotte, 1908
  • The abduction of Sampo, 1905
    The abduction of Sampo, 1905
  • OLd woman with a cat, 1885
    OLd woman with a cat, 1885

Albert Edelfelt

  • Playing on the Shore (Children Playing on the Shore), 1884
    Playing on the Shore (Children Playing on the Shore), 1884
  • The Artist's Son Erik in a Pram; The ArtistÔs Son Erik in his Perambulator, 1889
    The Artist's Son Erik in a Pram; The ArtistÔs Son Erik in his Perambulator, 1889
  • Taiteilijan vaimo ja Emilie von Etter parvekkeella Cannes'ssa, 1891
    Taiteilijan vaimo ja Emilie von Etter parvekkeella Cannes'ssa, 1891
  • In the Outer Archipelago, 1898
    In the Outer Archipelago, 1898
  • Shipbuilders, 1886
    Shipbuilders, 1886
  • The Luxemburg Gardens, 1887
    The Luxemburg Gardens, 1887
  • Summer evening, 1883
    Summer evening, 1883
  • Boys swimming in the Porvoo river
    Boys swimming in the Porvoo river
  • Under the birches, 1881
    Under the birches, 1881

Ferdinand von Wright

  • Interior of the Marieberg Workshop, 1850 - 1852
    Interior of the Marieberg Workshop, 1850 - 1852
  • Still Life in the Atelier, 1868
    Still Life in the Atelier, 1868
  • Capercaillie Cocks, 1876
    Capercaillie Cocks, 1876
  • Golden eagle by the lake, 1897
    Golden eagle by the lake, 1897
  • The first surprise, 1880
    The first surprise, 1880
  • Landscape in the morning fog,1864
    Landscape in the morning fog,1864
  • Lugnet Landscape, 1877
    Lugnet Landscape, 1877
  • Jays, 1877
    Jays, 1877
  • An eagle-owl seizes a hare, 1860
    An eagle-owl seizes a hare, 1860

Helene Schjerfbeck

  • Churchgoers (Easter Morning), 1895 - 1900
    Churchgoers (Easter Morning), 1895 - 1900
  • Girl Reading (Seated Girl), 1904
    Girl Reading (Seated Girl), 1904
  • Self-Portrait, Black Background, 1915
    Self-Portrait, Black Background, 1915
  • Smiling girl, 1921
    Smiling girl, 1921
  • Portrait of a girl, 1887
    Portrait of a girl, 1887
  • Circus girl, 1916
    Circus girl, 1916
  • Maria, 1906
    Maria, 1906
  • Dancing shoes, 1882
    Dancing shoes, 1882
  • The fortune-teller, 1926
    The fortune-teller, 1926

Hugo Simberg

  • Boy Carrying the Garland of Life, 1905
    Boy Carrying the Garland of Life, 1905
  • Self-Portrait, 1907
    Self-Portrait, 1907
  • Portrait of Inge Simberg, 1908
    Portrait of Inge Simberg, 1908
  • Death listens, 1897
    Death listens, 1897
  • The garden of the dead, 1896
    The garden of the dead, 1896
  • THe wounded angel, 1903
    THe wounded angel, 1903
  • Autumn II
    Autumn II
  • The wind blows, 1897
    The wind blows, 1897
  • Devil by the pot, 1897
    Devil by the pot, 1897

Magnus Enckell

  • Portrait of Sculptor Madeleine Jouvray, 1893 - 1894
    Portrait of Sculptor Madeleine Jouvray, 1893 - 1894
  • Boy and Sail, 1902
    Boy and Sail, 1902
  • Girl Straightening Her Hair, 1902
    Girl Straightening Her Hair, 1902
  • Boy with skull, 1893
    Boy with skull, 1893
  • The concert, 1898
    The concert, 1898
  • Boy and sail, 1902
    Boy and sail, 1902
  • Fantasy, 1895
    Fantasy, 1895
  • Gethsemane, 1902
    Gethsemane, 1902
  • The cult of Venus, 1895
    The cult of Venus, 1895